Acceptance and exchange programs

Student Life Support

Accepted Students Support

Organization for International Education and Exchange(OIEE) will help and support newly arrived students to relieve their anxiety about academic studies or living in Japan. This orientation is designed to prepare you for your new life with us at University of Toyama.


Orientation for newly enrolled international students

Orientation for all Newly-enrolled International Students - Autumn 2024

DateThursday, October 10, 2024

PlaceGofuku Campus - General Education Building D11 / Sugitani Campus - Lecture and Practical Training Building 3rd floor Room 303 / Takaoka Campus - Building B, B211

All newly enrolled international students and exchange or research students are expected to attend.

Consultation Services(Consultation Hour)

Since international students come from countries with very different customs and climates, they often encounter a great deal of stress. The result is that many problems may arise. Consultation is available at OIEE on any problems including academic, cross-cultural communication both within and outside of campus.

DateTuesday 13:00~14:30 Thursday 13:00~14:30
(Except national holidays)

staffPARK Eun-Kyung
If you need consultation, please make an appointment via email to Here in advance.

Student Life Support

The University of Toyama offers the following support for international students. Depending on your needs, contact each office below for more information

  • Gofuku Campus :International Affairs Division, Student and Academic Affairs Department
  • Sugitani Campus :Student Support Team, Educational Affairs Division
  • Takaoka Campus :Administration Division, School of Art and Design

Housing Guaranty Support for International Students

In order for International students to be able to rent an apartment or lodging houses, the prefectural Toyama International Center may act as a joint guarantor for the rental agreement between the foreign student and the landlord. As a requirement, applicants should join Comprehensive Renters Insurance for Foreign Students Studying in Japan.However this system does not apply for any public housing such as municipal housing.

Foundation for Supporting International Students (Loan Information)

This is a financial loan system to support international students who are facing financial problem caused by unexpected events.

  • The maximum amount:50,000 yen
  • Interest rate :0
  • Repayment :Repayment must be completed within a year either in a lump or by installments.

Toyama Prefectural National Health Insurance Grant

All international students must join the National Health Insurance. By holding this insurance, students are charged only 30% of their full medical expenses. To take out this cover, you have to pay the insurance fee. There is a financial aid from the Toyama prefecture’s Financial Aid for National Health Insurance. This is a grant to assist privately funded students’ insurance fee. For details, please check the information for application which will be posted on the bulletin board on each campus around the application period. (December or July for those who graduate in September).

Second-hand Bicycle Owner's Guide

When you give/take over a bicycle to/from your friend upon a graduation or returning home country, please be sure to follow the procedure explained in the link (Second-hand Bicycle Owner's Guide details) .
Without following the procedure, the new owner will be charged with stealing the bicycle even if he/she is the rightful owner.

Survival Card

Please refer to the pdf file linked here for Actions to take during an Earthquake, Actions to take once the tremor stops, Evacuation Action, and Contact List.

Career Support for International Students

Career Support Network for International Students in Japan

University of Toyama has joined "the Career Support Network for International Students in Japan", which offers various access to information and tools for International Students who are pursuing job opprotunity in Japan.
Register yourself and take advantage of rich resources of this network.
※Please visit the WEB page of Career Support Network for International Students in Japan for users policy and more details.


  • 1. Click the above URL specially designed for University of Toyama Students.(Sorry, Japanese version only)
  • 2. Click 『新規登録』button and enter your university mail e-mail address to get your log-in ID and Password.
  • 3. After completing your registration, sign in and make good use of this Network in your job seraching.

Employment and Career Support Center

News Release and Information


International Supporter

Welcome to University of Toyama!
International Supporter Team at University of Toyama is ready to support you for your smooth start of life in Toyama. You can receive the complex support, such as resident registration at City Hall and connecting mobile phone.
We are a team of undergraduate and graduate students at University of Toyama to support international students, researchers and faculty members who arrived in Toyama, so please let us know if you need any help.
